October 2024

Hats for Hope 2024!

By |2024-10-24T16:38:30-04:00October 24, 2024|Hats for Hope, Brain Tumour|

October 24 is Brain Cancer Awareness Day in Canada. For the past several years, TalentSphere has proudly supported this cause by purchasing Hats for Hope, a fundraising initiative dedicated to brain tumour awareness. This year, we’ve continued our tradition by purchasing hats to help raise awareness and spread hope.

Every day, 27 Canadians are diagnosed with a brain tumour—8 of whom will discover they have brain cancer. Whether malignant or non-malignant, brain tumours are life-altering, and treatment options remain limited and […]

October 2023

Hats for Hope

By |2023-10-25T14:27:29-04:00October 25, 2023|Hats for Hope, Brain Tumour, TalentSphere|

Hi everyone.  October 24, is Brain Cancer Awareness Day in Canada. TalentSphere for the last three or four years has purchased Hats for Hope, which is one of their fundraising programs each year around this time. As we have purchased many of the Hats in previously, this year we will be making a direct donation.

27 Canadians are diagnosed with a brain tumour every day. In addition to the 8 Canadians who will learn they have brain cancer […]

November 2021

Hats for Hope 2021

By |2021-11-15T14:38:28-04:00November 15, 2021|TalentSphere, Hats for Hope, Brain Tumour|

Hats for Hope is a movement to raise awareness of brain cancer in Canada.

Of the 27 people diagnosed with a brain tumour every day in Canada, 8 of those will find out they have brain cancer. Malignant or not, brain tumours are life-altering and treatment options are limited and often invasive.

Hope, however, is limitless.

Together let’s share some HOPE!

On October 24, 2021, we recognized Brain Cancer Awareness Day by wearing our hat and spreading hope.

Hope […]

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