August 2019

Strong Demand for Architects in Canada Putting Pressure on Salaries

By |2020-11-28T22:14:43-04:00August 21, 2019|TalentSphere, Candidates|

The increased demand for quality architects has led to a talent shortage – right now the number of openings for architecture positions in firms country-wide exceeds the number of qualified candidates. This talent shortage has led to increased competition faced by firms for securing the best talent, and firms are scrambling to ensure they have the employees to support their business and complete their projects.

Experts in the design community have noted that finding the best talent and filling […]

January 2019

What an Architect Looks for From a Great A&D Sales Rep

By |2019-01-21T13:38:59-04:00January 21, 2019|TalentSphere|

Increasing your sales as an A&D rep takes time, effort and well-established relationships. However, while many sales reps spend their time focusing attention on establishing connections with manufacturers and local dealers, they miss the importance of working directly with architects when finding new revenue sources.

Architects are the driving source of billions of dollars in revenue every year and are many times ignored by sales reps as a relevant sales contact. Even though an architect may not be purchasing goods directly, they can […]

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