November 2019

As The Race For Talent Intensifies, HR Departments Turn to AI For Recruiting

By |2020-11-28T22:14:17-04:00November 15, 2019|TalentSphere|

The need to find the best talent remains a top priority for most businesses, and both candidates and companies have become more selective about who they align themselves with professionally. To streamline the process and get a competitive edge in the talent search, more organizations have incorporated smart software and AI-driven tech to help them find qualified candidates faster. What does the increased AI usage in HR mean for your career? Will it affect your job search? Here are some things to know as more […]

April 2019

Is There a People Problem in Construction?

By |2020-11-28T22:15:04-04:00April 9, 2019|TalentSphere, Candidates|

Every industry or business is only as good as their people. Hiring the right team and having the best possible team in place is crucial to the success of any organization. The construction industry and construction companies seem to be on the precipice of a people crisis. Demographic reports indicate that construction leadership is primarily made up of employees from the baby boomer generation who will be looking to retire soon. This leaves some businesses with the problem of figuring out who will assume […]

Tips for Building a Successful Career in the Construction Industry

By |2020-11-28T22:15:04-04:00April 2, 2019|Candidates, Job Seeker Tips|

Construction can be a rewarding, interesting, and lucrative career, with nearly endless possibilities and paths to explore. Here are some ways to go about growing a successful career in this large, varied industry.

  1. Continue adding skills: No matter how much experience you have, it’s always important to continue learning through seminars, classes, trade shows, and trade publications. The construction industry is known for changes – from building codes to building technology – so staying informed is essential. Plus, it shows potential […]
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