April 2022

The Illusive Work Life Balance

By |2021-12-02T18:46:26-04:00April 4, 2022|Candidates, TalentSphere, Companies, Work Life Balance, The Illusive Work Life Balance|

As we approach the mid-year point, hours of daylight increase, outdoor activities and vacations are abundant, yet the demands at the office do not wane. The subject of providing an environment for work/life balance often resurfaces during the summer, but the topic is one that should be addressed on an ongoing basis within an organization.

Numerous management consulting companies have performed exhaustive research in this area and have found that over 40% of employees claim they do not have suitable work/life […]

February 2022

The Work/Life Balance

By |2021-12-01T18:38:56-04:00February 21, 2022|TalentSphere, Companies, The Work Life Balance, Work Life Balance|

Today’s recruitment market is the toughest we have seen for a long time. Pressure has increased significantly for employees to work longer and longer hours while employees are trying to manage decreasing margins and increasing costs. One of the areas that is currently “hot” is work-life balance. The employees seem to benefit, but what are the issues for employers?

As we all know the demand for increased productivity, profitability and of course earning more money has brought about more stressful working […]

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