February 2025

Interviews: How to Spot the X-Factor in a Candidate

By |2024-06-11T11:15:59-04:00February 10, 2025|An Era of Authenticity, Be the Diamond, How to Spot the X-Factor in a Candidate, Companies, Recruiters|

If you want to find exceptional candidates in the insurance industry, you’ll need to focus more on exposing their intangible attributes, like true engagement, business intelligence and an inquisitive mind. Hiring managers can assess these uncommon traits through deeper questioning and by creating a different level of interaction during the in-person interview. Here’s some tips to think about for your next interview.

Passion for the Business

Hiring managers should be looking for candidates who have the right heart and passion for the […]

February 2024

The Culpability of Free Speech

By |2023-12-04T12:26:39-04:00February 26, 2024|TalentSphere, An Era of Authenticity, Advancement, The Culpability of Free Speech, Companies, Work Life Balance, Leadership Assessment, Candidates, Who Thanks Whom?|

If you had to pinpoint a turning point, it was perhaps the launch of CNN in June of 1980. Prior to CNN, news programming delivered relatively factual information for an hour or two a day. After CNN, although it was an amazing accomplishment to cover events live as they happened and to have an endless stream of information, it created a demand for opinion. How else would you fill 24 hours of news for 365 days per year?

A little over […]

Be the Diamond

By |2023-12-04T12:25:30-04:00February 19, 2024|Companies, Motivating your Staff, Screening candidates, An Era of Authenticity, The Coaching Challenge, Be the Diamond|

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John Maxwell

There are times in life, both personally and professionally, where circumstances can change at such a rapid speed that our opinions, perspectives, and course of action can change by the day, if not by the hour. When faced with such circumstances, there are generally three groups of people:

  • Those who take reflective but action-oriented responses to do whatever can be done to mitigate the challenges […]

August 2023

An Era of Authenticity

By |2023-05-05T14:39:46-04:00August 21, 2023|An Era of Authenticity|

It’s probably a fair statement; if you are the kind of person who needs to read an article on how to be authentic, is the very act of reading such an article in and of itself inauthentic? Setting aside that seemingly debatable fact, the topic of authenticity is likely often discussed in counseling sessions but rarely discussed related to the workplace. However, we live in an era where social media has perpetuated the need to showcase an idyllic life, in […]

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